Sucker Punch Concept Art

Thursday, September 30, 2010 0 comments
Here is the concept art for the movie I can not wait to see!! This movie is going to be fantastic, and the concept art for the characters is really cool. Can't wait til March 25, 2011!

Movie I Want To See: Saw 3D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 0 comments
This will be the first Saw movie I have ever seen in theaters. Up until a few months ago, the only one I had seen was the first one because I though all of the sequels looked really stupid. The only reason I did see the sequels was because my sister bought a dvd pack of all 6 Saw movies and we watched them all within a one week span. While they may not be the best movies in the world, I have to admit they are entertaining. So, even though the main reason I want to see this movie is because newly crowned Scream Queen Gabby West will be in it, I am also a little curious about what happens next in the story. Also, I want to find out if I can watch what is sure to be an ultraviolent movie in 3D without having a panic attack. I remember I saw this Terminator movie in 3D at Universal Studios when I was really little and I couldn't even look at the screen I was so scared. Of course, it has been over 10 years since then, probably like 13 or 14 years, but I'm still curious as to how I'll react.

Scream Queens: Season Finale

I just got done watching the entire season finale of Scream Queens season two, and Gabby definitely deserved to win! I mean, Jessica did good in the directors challenge, but it wasn't anything special and Gabby was a lot more memorable to me. Like I said in my first post about Scream Queens, Gabby is just really interesting to watch.
This season finale was basically the same as last season's season finale. The first challenge was a scene that required running from a bad guy, then going from victim to hero and defeating him. The second challenge was one that was inspired by a scene from one of the Saw movies. Last season was based on a scene from Saw 3 and this season was from the original Saw. I think that they all did really good in the first challenge, so it must have been really tough for them to choose who to send home first. It ended up being Christine though, because they said that she was too much of a victim.  Then in the second challenge they had to be trapped in a room knowing that their sister was in danger. Gabby totally rocked it, and did an amazing job, and that is ultimately why she ended up winning!!!

Scream Queens: YES YES YES YES YES OMFG!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010 0 comments
I am so happy right now!!! Gabby West, my favorite contestant throughout the whole season has won the title of Scream Queen and the role in Saw 3D!!!! AWESOME!!!!! I don't have tv, so I have to watch the show online, and I was pissed that they didn't have the entire episode online, but fortunatly they had clips of the show, and while I didn't get to see Gabbys first challenge or the majority of the directors challenge, I did get to see her win. You can read her interview about being the winner here. I am so excited for Saw 3D now! It will be the only Saw movie I've seen in theaters...I just looked at her IMDB page, and while Saw 3D isn't on there yet (probably due to the show), I see that shes going to be in the remake of Fright Night, and a TV movie called The Odds. UGH THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! GO GABBY!!!

Funniest Movie Lines

Sunday, September 26, 2010 0 comments
In no particualar order, here are the movie lines that always make me laugh...

1. "What ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in What?"

2. "Draw something resembling anything!"

3. "In a row?"

4. "Lieutenant Dan! Ice cream!"

5. "Kyle, man"

6. "Garbage day!"

7. "Oh my gooooooooooooooood!"

Song of the Week: City of Angels


Zombies Vs Helicopters

Thursday, September 23, 2010 0 comments
Best way to fight of zombies? With your helicopter blades.

1. Dawn of the Dead

2. 28 Weeks Later (couldn't find normal video, so heres one with Dethklok in the background)

3. Planet Terror