Scream Queens: YES YES YES YES YES OMFG!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010
I am so happy right now!!! Gabby West, my favorite contestant throughout the whole season has won the title of Scream Queen and the role in Saw 3D!!!! AWESOME!!!!! I don't have tv, so I have to watch the show online, and I was pissed that they didn't have the entire episode online, but fortunatly they had clips of the show, and while I didn't get to see Gabbys first challenge or the majority of the directors challenge, I did get to see her win. You can read her interview about being the winner here. I am so excited for Saw 3D now! It will be the only Saw movie I've seen in theaters...I just looked at her IMDB page, and while Saw 3D isn't on there yet (probably due to the show), I see that shes going to be in the remake of Fright Night, and a TV movie called The Odds. UGH THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! GO GABBY!!!


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