Superman Casting News/ My Pick for Lois Lane

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Some interesting casting news today, the beautiful Diane Lane has been cast as Martha Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel. She is joining Henry Cavill who has been cast as Clark Kent/ Superman. I'm really excited about this casting choice because I think that she will make a fantastic Martha Kent, and I think that Diane Lane is such a great actress. It is also rumored that Kevin Costner will be playing her husband, and I think that that will be perfect too. My big concern with the movie is about who will play Lois Lane. Apparently people like Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart, Malin Ackerman, and Rachel McAdams have been rumored to play her. Portman, Hathaway, and Ackerman already have their superhero movies, so I say no to all of them. Stewart would just be a horrible choice. I think that Rachel McAdams would make a decent Lois Lane, but the actress that I personally think should be cast is Kristen Stewart's Twilight costar Anna Kendrick.

I thought that she was great in Up in the Air, and that performance shows that she would be perfect as reporter Lois Lane. Her and Cavill would look really cute together, too.


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