The Snow White Movie I Want To See

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Movies often come out in pairs. Theres No Strings Attached and Friends With Benefits, the two Marilyn Monroe movies coming out, and also two Snow White movies coming out. Originally, I thought that the film Snow White and the Huntsman would be the more interesting one, with Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen and Viggo Mortensen as the Huntsman. Now that Kristen Stewart has been cast as Snow White, and Viggo is no longer in the film, I have become much more interesting in the other Snow White film coming out. It is going to be called The Brothers Grimm: Snow White. It was recently announced that the title character is going to be played by Lily Collins.
I am not too familiar with anything that she has been in, but I'm going to go ahead and assume that she will make a better Snow White than that bucket of sunshine Kristen Stewart. What makes this movie even better is that the Evil Queen will be played by the great Julia Roberts.
I don't think I have ever seen her play a villainous character before, so this should be really interesting to see. And in the role of Prince Charming, I think that they did very good casting with having him be played by Armie Hammer from The Social Network. That guy just looks like royalty...

So, of the two Snow White films, this is the one that I plan on seeing. For all I know this one could turn out to be shit, and the other one brilliant, but for now this is the one I am looking forward to.


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