My Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Sunday, May 29, 2011
I really didn't care for the last POTC movie, so I didn't really see the point in making a fourth movie. Having said that, this movie wasn't half bad. Although I like Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, they were right to get rid of Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner, because their loves story got really stale and there really wasn't more they could have done with their story. Whats even better is that they added Ian MacShane and Penelope Cruz as Blackbeard and his daughter/ love interest for Jack. Keith Richards is back as Jack Sparrow's dad, and there was a very random cameo by Judi Dench who plays a woman riding a carriage while Jack is escaping. Anyways, in this film, every one is searching for the fountain of youth. And by everyone, I mean Blackbeards crew, the British Navy of which Barbossa is a part of, and the Spanish. There are parts of this movie that drag a little big, but it is saved by the chemistry between Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz (who are reunited after appearing in Blow together.) The coolest part of this movie is definitely the part with the mermaids. One of the things they need when they get to the fountain of youth is a tear from a mermaid, so they go to try to capture one. The first one you see is played by the lovely Gemma Ward, who sings a song that brings all of the other mermaids. Then, they start attacking the boat!!! It was really unexpected, and just looked amazing!! All of these mermaids jumping over the boat and grabbing men and taking them in the water, it was just really cool. That scene alone was worth the price of admission. Overall, while not perfect, this movie was entertaining. My rating: 7/10


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