The Walking Dead Episode 7: Pretty Much Dead Already

Monday, November 28, 2011
SOPHIA!!!!! The entire time they were looking for Sophia she was in that damn barn because she was a walker! I figured that they would just never find her, so it was surprised when she came walking out of that barn. That just sucks so much! I suppose that it is pretty realistic though, because there was no way she was going to survive out in those woods by herself, especially for how long they had been looking for her. Anyways, although I do think that Shane is a douchebag, I do have to agree with his actions at the ending. Rick is getting much too soft with following Hershall's rules. It was just not safe to have that barn full of walkers. I wouldn't care if it was his land, the protection of the group should come before being respectful. I am so bummed that this is the last episode until February!!!! LAME!!! That is too long of a wait!


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