My Review: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Super cool!!! While I loved Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander, I have to say that Rooney Mara did a great job. Mara is a pretty girl, but not so pretty that it distracts from the character. Even though she does have plenty of nude scenes, Lisbeth isn't supposed to be a sex object. She is supposed to be tough, crazy, and super smart, and Mara does a great job with that. Daniel Craig was the perfect choice to play Blomkvist, and I also really loved Robin Wright and Christoper Plummer in their roles as well. A lot of people really didn't see the point of having an American version of this movie, since the Swedish ones were so popular. Although I do slightly agree with that, it doesn't change the fact that this movie was incredibly cool. I was sucked in right away, especially after that opening sequence with the Karen O/ Trent Reznor cover of Immigrant Song. The fact that I read the book and knew the entire story didn't take away any of the suspense for me. It was just a great, interesting film to watch, and it didn't even feel like 2 1/2 hour long movie. My rating: 9/10


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