Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Last year I was really on the ball with the Best Picture nominees because I saw all 10 of them. This year, it is completely different because I have not seen any of the nine Best Picture nominees! This is something that I plan to remedy. I added The Help, Moneyball, The Tree of Life, and Midnight in Paris to the top of my Netflix queue, and I am going to go see The Artist today. That just leaves me with The Descendants, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Hugo, and War Horse, which are all playing at theaters nearby. Honestly, I really have no desire to see Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close or War Horse, so if I do see those, they will probably be the very last ones. I also really want to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy because I am really curious to see the movie that Gary Oldman was (FINALLY) nominated for. So...I have a little under a month to see nine movies. It shouldn't take me half that long.


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