My Review: 21 Jump Street

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Here is what I expected with this movie: Channing Tatum being hot as usual, and some occasional funny dialogue. I was expecting most of this to be kind of stupid, but this movie was actually hilarious! It is just further proof that Channing Tatum is much better in comedic roles than dramatic ones. Anyways, this is based on the old TV show 21 Jump Street that starred a very young Johnny Depp. It is about these two young cops who go undercover in a high school to try to figure out who is supplying a type of drug that killed a student. Jonah Hill plays the smart one, and Channing Tatum plays the dumb, but very sexy one. While they expected their second high school experience to be just like their first, it turns out that Jonah's character becomes the popular one, while Channing's character becomes friendly with the nerds. I really enjoyed watching this movie. Everyone in the theater was laughing their asses off, including myself. The whole movie I was waiting for the Johnny Depp cameo, and when it finally happened I was shocked even though I knew he was in it. I was expecting him to be the drug supplier, but I was wrong. Also, I kept waiting for Jonah and Channing to just start making out with eachother! There are quite a few time when you think its going to happen but it never does. My rating: 8/10


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