Evil Dead: The Musical

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Holy crap, this show was fantastic. It combines two things that I love: Evil Dead and musicals. For my Acting for Non Majors class we need to see a show and write a paper on one of the actors so, of course, I decided to see Evil Dead: The Musical. It was all kinds of cheesy, but thats what made it so great. It combined the plots of Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2, and had some of the more famous lines from Army of Darkness which included many of these...

The guy who played Ash was no Bruce Campbell, but he did a pretty good job. There was blood spattering galore, and there were even "splatter seats" where the cast members were aiming their blood spurts, and where they also had tubes surrounding them that splattered them with blood. The songs were also really fun, and were made better by the dances that went with them. One song in particular has been stuck in my head since the show ended, and thats Do the Necronomicon....check it out!


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