Wilson Being Made Into A Movie???

Monday, November 22, 2010
Here's some interesting news...apparently Alexander Payne, who previously directed Sideways and About Schmidt, is going to be directing a movie version of Daniel Clowes's newest graphic novel, Wilson. I'm kind of curious how this is going to work because I've read Wilson like a million times since I bought it, and at no point did I think, "This would make a great movie!" I mean in theory, this sounds like it could be amazing. Its being made by Fox Searchlight (awesome), being produced by Sam Raimi's production company Stars Road (double awesome), and the screenplay is apparently being written by Clowes himself (triple awesome.) I'm kind of skeptical about this, though, because even though I love the book, I'm not really sure how it, and more specifically the title character of Wilson, can translate to cinema. I'm sure that Clowes will write a great script, though, because I love all of his comics (can't wait for his next one, apparently coming out April 2011!), and Ghost World is one of my favorite movies. While reading about this online I read a comment that someone wrote about how Bill Murray should play Wilson, and I am not going to disagree...


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