Movie I Want To See: Blue Valentine

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Because this movie is rated NC-17 I probably won't be able to see it in the theater that I usually go to, but I think that it'll be worth paying a little extra to go see it at a different theater. This movie features two actors that I really like, Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, and the trailer is really cute. From what I've read about the film's synopsis, it sort of sounds like 500 Days of Summer and Peter and Vandy because it cross-cuts through time periods, showing the relationship of a married couple. I really liked both those movies, and they were really different from eachother even though they had a similar plot structure. I'm sure that this movie won't be anything like either of them storywise, and that the only thing it will have in common with those two is the cross-cutting through time element. From what I've read, this movie got an NC-17 due to an intense and emotional sex scene between the two main characters, and that the Weinstein Company is appealing the rating and trying to get an R without cutting anything out.I hope that they get it, because even though I don't see anything wrong with a NC-17 rating, it usually means that less people will be able to see it, which would be unfortunate because this movie looks really good.


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